Flix In Motion has a SUPER busy weekend! MobiSnap on Saturday at the Sac Baby & Toddler Expo, FlipBooks at an Oakland Bat Mitzvah Saturday night and The Perfect Wedding Guides Round Robin on Sunday!? See more details below for info on these events!

You prepared for your wedding with love and care, now you can prepare for your new family at this unique boutique!
The Sacramento Baby and Toddler Expo is NOT your average Kid’s Expo! It’s where stylish moms and moms-to-be come to shop for growing bellies OR growing families! Event highlights include:
-Free Trumpette swag bags to the first 100 guests!!!
-Ideas for beautiful baby shower ideas
-Play Baby Bingo to win great prizes
-Pick up your copy of Childhood Magazine
-Mommy and baby Fashion Show
Come join The Sac Baby and Toddler Expo at their annual expo for maternity, new parents and parents of young children.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
10 am- 1 pm
Sac Downtown Plaza

Perfect Wedding guide
Perfect Wedding Guide Round Robin
The PWG Vendor Round Robin is an afternoon of quality vendor consultations with some of the best, yet affordable wedding professionals in the Sacramento area, in an upscale, comfortable, fun environment. Plus a delicious appetizer buffet by Ruth’s Chris Steak House, cake tastings, door prizes, and exclusive vendor discounts! Every bride will receive a SWAG bag with over $100 of gifts and products, including a $50 gift card for Sharif Fine Jewelers! This is an event not to be missed by couples just starting their wedding planning!
Two Round Robin events are scheduled, both taking place at 11:00am – 2:30pm:
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Find out more about this unique bridal event designed exclusively by Perfect Wedding Guide to save you time and money, and help you streamline your search for the perfect vendors for your wedding! And don’t wait – limited seating is available!